I came across this superlative production of a bike shelf, so incredible in its design that it could make a peripatetic (like me) walk to the nearest community bike shop to finally learn what a bicycle gear is. I don’t know much about bikes. The last time I rode one was about two years ago when my patient bestie, Ben Wise, tried to teach me on the streets of Memphis. Nonetheless, I still desperately want to buy this bike shelf that I just saw on the website “Knife & Saw”.
The “about” section on the designer, Chris Brigham, posits the idea of a man who is incredibly humble and, dare say, unsure of his work. He worked as a graphic designer for more than a decade until, with no formal training in furniture design, he decided to transform his garage into a wood shop. He honestly writes that he finds himself learning a lot along the way. The veracity on his page is so refreshing that it really inspired me, especially coming from a career where I was constantly told to “fake it until you make it”. Instead of walking around with the aplomb of a producer I would have loved to say to people “I’m learning a lot along the way but almost always figuring it out in the end. I have a knack for ___ and a willingness to fail miserably which I think helps a lot.” That wishy-washy statement that I just copied from his website ironically supports my belief that this Chris guy is more sure-footed than anyone I’ve ever read about. He’s a real inspiration.