I Couldn't Sleep....

Posted on the 14 May 2012 by Jyothi @juxtatcr

After watching yesterday’s edition of “Satyameva Jayate” , I was not able to sleep properly. I was checking and cross checking if the doors are locked and everyone is safe.

If just watching the show can have such an affect on me, I can’t even begin to imagine how it must be for the people who have actually gone through it. Like Aamir Khan aptly pointed out, the victim is not at fault here.

But I believe it is the people around us who make us feel that way. For example, I was reading a comment on a post on this same topic and she claimed that it didn’t happen to her because she was aware of such things and it prevented her from getting harmed. But her friend wasn’t so lucky.

The truth is how much ever you educate the parents or the children about such issues; when such incidents happen to them they freeze. Time stops and even though they know what is happening is wrong they can’t stop it from happening.

The only way to escape from such a fate is to be careful at all times and never to trust anyone more than necessary. That makes everyone we meet on a daily basis, a possible suspect. And it may hinder our social circles and partying. But in the end if it helps prevent such cases, then I think it is worth it.

Prevention is always better than cure. What has come out in this show is not something new. Everyone knows these things. Yet everyone thinks it cannot happen to his or her loved ones. But it does, some don’t even realize it. Some just chose to ignore it. And for some others it becomes an eye-opening incident.