"I'd Be Fine If You Died... "

Posted on the 10 February 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
Um, Hello!?
Did anyone else watch last night's episode of The Walking Dead?
First of all, I was confused throughout more of the episode than I like to be, but still, it was awesome to have it back!
I really liked Michone's storyline being told a little more.  She has been a deep character since her arrival.  I almost didn't recognize her when it showed her in the "past" clip.  And her poor, poor baby.  I was sad for her.
Now, can we please talk about Rick?! I mean the man laid there unconscious forever and a day.  I thoguht he was dead.  Then he starts gasping for air like a walker and then passes out again.  Next scene, he's fine.   I missed something. 
And Carl.. oh little Carl.  You were a bad boy the way you treated and talked to your father.  You also need your mouth washed out with soap.  The cussing isn't cool, kid.
The chocolate pudding was hilarious. I am not so sure I could sit on a roof and eat chocolate pudding with a zombie arm after me, but hey, I guess he earned that pudding. LOL.
So glad it's back, and so looking forward to next week! Can't wait to see where the rest of the crew have ended up.  And is poor Judith alive?