Focusing on the new recruitment agency Beautiful People, which only offers jobs to the more attractive of us. It certainly makes sense - in a strange way.
Every business is created to supply a need, something that their prospective customers can't get elsewhere. It's hardly an unpopular concept seeing as over 40'000 members have already signed up and over 60 jobs were posted in 48 hours last week. There's a reason why Abercrombie & Fitch so infamously only employ attractive sales assistants - because they are representing their brand. Why would an employer ignore that when employing a receptionist? In Japan, being overweight can be seen as weakness, and a lack of self control. Neither of those are attributes I'd want to put on my CV.
I see so many blogs, and typographic quotes and articles daily online about how we should love out bodies, and be proud of our looks - not to be embarrassed or ashamed and hide away. Isn't this the same thing?
Somehow, being proud of your looks is the privilege of the plain and those with low self esteem. If someone beautiful dares say it, well then - she's being arrogant. Whilst I'm sure that those who have been told all their life that they are beautiful, and haven't had to endure teasing, bullying and vicious attacks on their looks don't need any the same encouragement for their self esteem, but does than mean they must be extra humble to make up for it?
Anyone complaining about this site, can't ignore the other numerous examples of discrimination in favour of the beautiful in every day life.
- What about stores that don't stock larger sizes?
- What about night clubs that have a doorman only admitting the skinny and beautiful?
- We may have plus size models now, but they are stunning stunning women. When was the last time you say a plain, 'average' woman in an advertising campaign?
Is that just as bad for excluding women who aren't beautiful in the traditional sense?
Whilst I can totally understand the logic behind such a concept, it still feels a little icky. How do you feel about the existence of such a website? Would you be confident enough to submit your pictures for screening and risk the chance that you'd be turned away? I'd not sure I'd be brave enough.
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