Just found this from last year and I thought it was appropriate to re-blog.
I know WordPress means well when it sends me my year in blogging, but quite frankly, I don’t write for you. I write for me. I always have and I hope I always will. Oh sure, I want to write for a magazine or even publish my short stories one day, but it will still be for me. I think that’s how writing should be. If it helps other people, good. That was my intention, but ultimately, I am my own critic. I am the one who writes and re-writes posts in my head a hundred times. I am the one who gets up at 3 a.m. and pounds away on the keys when I can’t sleep. I am the one who can’t let an idea go until I get it out…even if I shove it away from me because I don’t feel like posting it at the time. …
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