I Enjoy Guaranteed Credit Of $86,400 Every Day

Posted on the 04 July 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

And really, so do you, if you believe time is money.

Time is that bank which credits each one of us every single morning with 86,400 seconds.

You didn’t see that coming? Not even once?


So, each day, we get those 86,400 seconds – ours to spend as we like.

No carry overs to the next day.

If you didn’t use it well, it is all lost.


Since Time is a unique bank that keeps on giving generously, it mandates a caveat. No overdrafts. No balance carried over. You can’t put it in a safe deposit locker. You can’t lend it to someone, nor can you borrow it. And you can’t invest it. You, however, have the freedom to use it as you wish.

Everything that’s really worthwhile in life comes to us free – our minds, our souls, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our intelligence, our love of family and friends and country. All of these priceless possessions are free – Earl Nightingale

Time is large-hearted especially because it does not differentiate over who gets how much. It impartially gifts the 86,400 seconds each day, equally to everyone, regardless of status, gender. It doesn’t matter if you’re poor or rich, rude or nice, crazy or sane, happy or sad, thin or fat.

So – would you agree that Time is as precious as money?

I think it is priceless.

Even though no one can manage time, it is possible to manage all the things that take up our time. We have a choice – we can choose to do what we want to do, what makes us happy.

Time can be expensive, especially if we don’t use it wisely. Often, we spend most of our time focused on things that give us the least returns. We ponder on negative stuff rather than move on. We worry over things that don’t really deserve our attention. We put things off. We don’t take or make time to smell the flowers.

Luckily, you can measure Time and more than how much you’ve got, it is how much you use.

To a child, “Love” is spelled “Time”

The best part is, when we want something badly enough, we make the time for it. It is just a matter of prioritizing.

Let’s think about this: How are we managing the gift of time? Are we using it wisely on the things that matter?

Here’s what I’ve pledged to do:

  • Let go of negative thoughts
  • Slow down and enjoy every moment
  • Focus on the good, what makes me happy
  • Be grateful
  • Use Time to connect with my loved ones


July 2014 UBC Day 4

BlogHer NaBloPoMo July 2014


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