I Feel Like I Am Skipping School…

Posted on the 31 January 2012 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

By not being here. At all. And totally missing two Munchie Modays in a row…

I know I said I was taking the weekends off, it’s just that my weekends seem to be lasting longer than anticipated.

I am so good with that, really I am.

I am having fun, smiling, laughing, making out a little, travelling back and forth from Courtenay a lot.

I have also made a few other changes in my life that are making a huge difference in how I feel. I am not eating bread and sugar. Today I blew the bread one a little bit, but it has made such a huge difference in how I feel already I can hardly believe it.

I have also been working out regularly. This morning I actually thought I might die as a result of lifting weights. I really did. I seem to have survived it for one more day. I know I have told you all of this before, I just want you to know that I am DOING IT!!! I have lost five pounds off the muffin top. Yay me :)

I have also succeeded in pissing my children off, so life is nearly perfect. It is amazing how they think that food just falls out of the sky when they can’t find anything crappy to eat in the house. I love the pissed off texts like this one…and I quote…

Thers NO FOOD NO MILK and u go to courtenay again!?!? Thanks a lot…

Now this would be bad parenting if it was remotely true. I mean the milk part was true, but I have never heard of a child dying from lack of milk consumption for 12 hours, have you? And there is enough food in my house to survive without getting scurvy for at least two weeks. Which is probably the problem. There is no crap in my house. There are tons of vegetables and fruit in the fridge, I had taken sausages out  for dinner…hmmm…could it be that it is just the slave service that is being missed?

I am thinking so.

This doesn’t break my heart. Or hurt my feelings.

I mean it isn’t like they ever come up from the man cave unless there is food being cooked. They don’t miss me personally at this point in their lives, of that I am sure.

And another point made was that I can’t just go and buy two hundred dollars worth of groceries, without the two hundred dollars. Which I won’t have until tomorrow. So making due for one more day without lunch meat will have to not kill you. Holy shit, I even think there is a whole jar of peanut butter in the cupboard and some homemade jam in the fridge.

I am thinking  maybe my kids are spoiled little food brats, and need a good lesson in eating what is in the damn house.

Peanut butter and jam is good for you, and yes…there is bread.

Whoever said that girls were dramatic has obviously not had a 16 year old boy in the house.

So I do apologize to all of you for skipping out on the blogging and missing out on reading your awesome posts.  I will do a catch up on the reading in the morning. I will try and be back in the next day or so, but hell, I am not gonna lie to you…I am pretty happy with what is going on right now, and  as much as I love blogging and know I will be back eventually, it’s just not my top priority right now :) It’s a good thing right?

So my love to you all, and I promise to be back sooner than later. I mean my kids seem to making some good shit up for the blog these days…I should have a good story in the next few days about me killing whatever kid is coming over here to visit and smoking…my bedroom smells like a bar room…you know without the whoring around part and the booze, but like they used to smell in the old days when you could smoke? I believe they are smoking out on the back porch, which seems to be penetrating through my house into my room…not ok. There may be bodies. I’m not sure yet…

But I will make sure there is an update…

Peace, out …