I Fractured My Rib Thanks. How Are You?

Posted on the 24 October 2012 by Simplystephanieblog @StephanieKonar

There has been so much of late that I have wanted to write and at the same time I have not wanted to write at all.

I had recipes planned, weekend adventures booked, and bucket list items tasked to complete. Next weekend I was set to walk in my last fashion show of the year.

Then, in a freak accident over the weekend, I fractured one of my ribs. I spent time in the ER, learned that Florida’s hospitals are slightly less than stellar, and spent the rest of my weekend learning how much I use my ribs in everyday life.

My riding lessons are now on hold. Today I had to cancel the fashion show and unless I find a bucket list item that doesn’t involve moving, my weekend plans appear bleak. Hence, my writing has taken a hit.

Despite my unfortunate series of events, there is a valuable lesson I have to come to learn from all of this. That lesson is essentially this; no matter how much time we spend planning for something, ultimately we have very little control over how it unfolds. Things can change at any given moment and it is how we choose to adapt to said change that determines our new path forward.

In the grand scheme of things, I still count myself fortunate. My injuries could have been worse. I learned that calcium heals bones, that dairy is calcium, and that ice cream, pizza and chocolate all contain dairy. Therefore, all are needed in large quantities to heal my rib. Until healed, I will be reminded how nice it is to be able to exercise and I will use that for motivation when I’m able to start doing so again. Most importantly, I’ve been able to see how truly blessed I am to be surrounded by a group of great people who care deeply about me.

Until my writing comes naturally again, I will be taking a momentary intermission to stop and enjoy life instead of writing about it. Until next time, stay positive and don’t forget to stop and count your smiles.

With Joy,
