Self Expression Magazine

I Hate Spiders

Posted on the 28 September 2011 by Eternalmusing @HanaMuses
I'm deathly afraid of spiders. If I see one inside I would probably leave the house. It's something I can't get over, really. I tried to get over it by looking at pictures of spiders, but I only broke out in goosebumps and something I like to call "mental hives". Thank god I don't break out in hives, but my arms and thighs get really itchy, but there's nothing there, and it's an all around terrible experience. I will avoid spiders, and I did for the longest time.
Yeah right, my mind troll sneered, your next blog post is about spiders. It needs a picture! Go on...type spiders in Google Images. Better yet, you want a BIG spider on your blog, search that. Worst five minutes of my life. My mind was all like:I Hate SpidersPROBLEM?
Why am I posting this exactly? Well you'll find out soon enough. :)

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