Two weeks ago yesterday my heater decided I didn’t need to have heat, despite the cold winter temps and the snow falling from the sky. It was a Sunday so I knew nothing could be done that day so I cranked up my space heater and covered myself with blankets and dealt with it. I guess I shouldn’t say it went out that day. It took a few days to go out completely. In the beginning it was blowing luke warm air and trying to get to temp. By the middle of the week it gave up trying to blow anything close to warm air so I turned it off. A repair guy came out that week and said it needed parts and he would see what he could do. Well a week later I still had no news on my heat so I asked, I know I was driving the park managers crazy but hey…I was cold. Final verdict was that it couldn’t be fixed and I may have to get a whole new unit but they were still looking for parts. Dandy! How was I going to pay for that?
Long story short, kinda, I have heat again! Turns out it just needed a simple part that could be purchased at Ace Hardware. The park managers ran into a guy who once did their electrical work at their restaurants. Simple and easy. Less than an hour and I had heat. What a great surprise to come home to.