I Have My Eyes on the Petite Coquette!- ¡Tengo Mis Ojos Puestos En La Petite Coquette De Cali!

Posted on the 08 May 2012 by Juanas6s6nses @JuanitaNieto_
ENG. I usually don't blog about places I haven't been too but as I always say, rules are meant to be broken every once in a while, otherwise life becomes too boring! And lately thanks to the magic world of internet I have my eye on the Petite Coquette, a new concept store in Cali Colombia.  I am a fashion lover as you all know, but I am also a lover of finding ourselves and finding our personal style. This is why today I recommend to all of you the Petite Coquette because it is a store for a woman with a Latin flavor, free spirit, who is sexy, chic and fun, who dreams to be forever young at heart. This store is for a woman who strives to be unique and different, who is not afraid of trying different things from different places around the world. A woman who is lovely and happy, very much like Juana, so I cannot wait to visit the Petite Coquette next time I go to Cali, my hometown. By talking to one of the owners I got even more excited about this cute boutique. This place is more than a store, it is a mix of objects, concepts, elements, people, sounds, makeup, images, photographs, trends and more that actually offers you a great and better experience! In the Petite Coquette you will not only find clothing and accessories from independent Colombian designers and vintage items from different parts of the world, but you will also find a makeup artist and personal shoppers and you can even rent dresses!
So, who are the three fantastic women behind this new great concept?  Mar the communicator of the group, a DJ , designer and photographer. Marcela the fashion lover of the three, she is also an image consultant, a designer and a personal shopper. And last but not least Mariana the artist of the group, who is a makeup professional as well as a stylist. They are creative, passionate Colombian women who are offering a new space in Cali for a woman that wants to look divine! So if you are in Cali visit the place and let me know what you think about it!

Photos Courtesy of the Petite Coquette