Shia turned THREE
My best friend became ENGAGED
and here's the next BIG NEWS!
.................................. we have another roommate. I loved our last roommate, he moved out about 2 years ago, so since then Jared and I have been empty nesters. Luckily one of my best friends, Kjerstin, asked us if we would temporarily adopt her husband, Shane. He is an awesome dude, since the moment I met Shane we have gotten along great. He's one of those people you just have to like, he's always happy, he is funny and genuinely is a good guy. Of course, Jared and I are all about helping out our friends so we said ABSO-freaking-LUTELY! Then on Sunday WAM! BAM! Thank you, Leonard (Big Bang Theory anyone?) Shane pulled up to our house and we spent a few minutes unpacking his things from his truck to our basement, and just like that it was official! We have a roommate again!
Shane and Kjerstin live about 3 hours away (not for long sucka's!) and they've been looking to move back up to Salt Lake. Luckily for them Shane interviewed and got an amazing job, so all the stepping stones were in place. Kjerstin has school, so she cannot move up until December, hence the temporary adoption. Which leaves Shane living in our basement, making me spaghetti, that is legit what he is doig right now. He's been a great house guest. Seriously, like the best. He takes the dogs out to go do their buis-nasty, he walks them, shares conversation, hangs out with me when Jared get migraines and it's nice to have another person in the house. I really enjoy it.
Shane will be with us through October for sure and possibly through December. I'm always happy to help a good friend out!
There is a downside that has been a huge struggle for me.... I have to wear pants again. I didn't realize how much I walked around in my underwears before. I am on a strict "wear pants" binge now.
Have you ever had a roommate while living with your significant other?