by Liz
Perks of driving… As the winter has come and my bus riding has come to a complete halt, I’ve relied on getting to work via the Vibeno!Which I aptlynamed my Pontiac Vibe seven years ago.One benefit would have to be the ability to leave my house twenty minutes before my work day starts and make it on time.Much better than the fourty-five minute to hour earlier I have to leave when taking the bus.My other incentive is that I’ve been busy after work with some activities that deviate from my would be bus path.
All good enough reasons right? Well, my icing on the cake of late has been my route into the office.As I head across the Ballard Bridge I take a alternate track that lets me skirt Queen Anne hill.As I climb up 1/3 of the way up the hill and round it towards to Lower Queen Anne if you may, I get to enjoy negligible traffic which is one bonus.The other would have to be the amazing sweeping view of Seattle’s cityscape that I get as I round on W. Olympic Pl.Every morning Seattle greets me, saying hello and in all it’s glory.I wink back at the Emerald City in wishing it too a wonderful and amazing day ahead.
Gracious to this lovely city I live in, I find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with it.Maybe it’s the pending Valentines Day.Maybe not… I am however, totally digging this winter we’ve had in the Pacific Northwest.More sunny days than normal, mild climate, and enough rain without feeling too bogged down.What do you say Seattle, will you be my Valentine?