I'll Have a Diet Coke AND a Big Mac

Posted on the 17 May 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen
How many times have you looked at someone funny at a fast food place (like McDonalds, Burger King) and thought “Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?” What ya mean is, “Heck if you’re gonna order a 1500 calorie burger, ya might as well through a regular coke in there!” :)

I used to be guilty of saying that exact thing up until several years ago when I started drinking diet coke. Those people who are used to diet coke have a very difficult time drinking a regular coke. It tastes to sweet or too “heavy” per say. It actually grosses me out now to have a regular one.
On the other hand, this person may be dieting and have like one (1) day a month that they splurge on a high calorie food. This Big Mac may be their “reward” for doing so well on their diet.
So they next time you see this, whether at a fast food joint or in a restaurant where someone orders a full rack of ribs and a diet coke, don’t be so quick to judge them. Judge yourself for pre-judging them! :P