I’ll Stand By You, #1253

Posted on the 04 February 2016 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

My cat died last night, and it was really quite devastating.  She was old – just about 16-years-old to be exact, and she lived with us for 15 years.  We have been feeling that this day was hidden somewhere in the shadows just waiting to sneak up us, but never did I think that the end would happen so suddenly with no warning.  One minute she was eating her breakfast with vigor and the next she was fighting for breath.  I suppose we’ll never really know what happened, but truthfully, what does it matter anyway?  We’re not getting her back, and we can all find comfort in knowing that she spent her last moments feeling the love pouring out of us.

I haven’t felt inspired to write lately, and even though I am extraordinary busy with work and school, writing during my free moments just hasn’t felt natural.  I hadn’t planned on writing about our cat dying either even though I have paid tribute to each of our pets as they crossed over the Rainbow Bridge over the years.

So what changed my mind you might all be wondering?  Simple.  It was the power of kindness.

When Nutmeg died last night, I posted a picture of her on Facebook and sent a RIP message out to the world.  I am absolutely moved and kind of dumbfounded, too, by the result.  Friends from all parts of my life left their beautiful remarks, but what really amazed me was the amount of strangers that wrote to me, too.  One woman emoted, “I don’t even know you and I’m crying. I dread this day. Condolences.”

She summed up the sentiment.  Our pets touch us in ways that people just can’t.  They speak to our gentlest sides and somehow know what we are feeling and offer comfort in their loving gaze.  Their stare speaks volumes – perhaps a deeper language than even the spoken word.

So with all that kindness comes inspiration.  I feel so connected to my fellow pet lovers, because they get it, and that is a beautiful thing.

My song of the day is by the Pretenders.  “I’ll Stand By You” is the ultimate show of support, and I am feeling it all around.  Thank you friends. xo