Diaries Magazine

I Lost Weight! 333 Days Left

Posted on the 01 May 2012 by Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

May 1, 2012
Yaahhhhoooooo!!! I lost some weight! I'm down six pounds since my last weigh in, for a total of seven pounds lost. I'm so thrilled!

I Lost Weight! 333 Days Left

I'm down to 214lbs!
Source: MMcK

And yet...I feel like I cheated. If you've been following along, I was sick last week with a nasty stomach bug. Nasty. My whole family succumbed to this terrible illness for an entire week. Yuck.
Here I am though, two days after my last round with the bug. Yesterday, I ate more than my allotted calories because, hey, I was hungry. Only today did I start exercising again. So to what should I attribute this weight loss?
Eh, the heck with it. I've been working hard. I'll claim the victory! 

Moving along, then. 
Today's workout was a killer after not working out for a few days. I did my custom 30 by 30 workout on EASA 2 for 44 minutes and burned 330 calories. 

I Lost Weight! 333 Days Left

Today's workout stats from EASA 2
Source: MMcK

It was tough to get back to it but well worth it. 
Ah. I feel great! 
Have a great day! ~Marissa  

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