Self Expression Magazine

I Love Sundays

Posted on the 25 March 2012 by Healthhungry @Healthhungry
Sundays are my favorite day of the week.  I'm not sure why - but I thoroughly enjoy them.  I feel so productive; getting the house cleaned, the office organized, planning a nice meal, and sitting down to watch one of my favorite show's premieres tonight; Mad Men.  I especially love Sundays in the fall - so much that I don't even mind rain on Sundays!  Now that's saying something...
The past couple of weeks have been filled with an all too familiar longing... yep; the obsessive thoughts about returning to Weight Watchers.  I am at a new all time high, which brings me to feeling an all time low...  I have been trying to tell myself, "Self, you know how to be healthy - why waste your money to step on the scale and face frustration and humiliation?"  But each new day, and new week comes - and I continue to choose habits that not only have me staying stuck; but have me plummeting to a new level of misery!  What's even more frustrating, is trying to get this business off the ground - all the while "failing" at the weight-loss side of health.  It is one piece of health, but it is so out of balance in my life right now, that it is affecting most - if not all of the other pieces.
Perhaps it will be useful for me to outline that things that work - as well as those that don't - when it comes to this part of my life.  Maybe that process will help clarify things...
Things that aren't working, and haven't worked in the past;
  1. Watching TV during the day (or having the TV on in the background all of the time)
  2. Eating on the couch,(in front of the TV) not at the table.  I've had this horrible habit about as long as I've binged... the two are closely connected.
  3. Inactive Life
  4. Drastic Dieting that leaves me feeling hungry and/or deprived.
  5. Surrounding myself with others who feel miserable about their bodies, and use addictions(smoking, drinking, food, etc) to avoid their pain.
  6. Negative thinking - for example; "Something must be wrong with me, I will never be able to lose this much weight, I am cursed, I don't deserve to be happy, it's too late, the world would be better without me..."
  7. Surrounding myself with people who think they know my answers.

Things that have worked in the past; 
  1. Writing down what I eat every day - staying within an allotted amount of calories.
  2. Drinking a LOT of water
  3. Avoiding foods that I can't have a portion of and be satisfied.
  4. Planning, planning, planning.  Planning my meals for the day(the night before), planning ahead for special occasions by eating a little less or exercising a bit more.  Scheduling my exercise in for the week, etc.
  5. Stepping on the scale once a week.  This is a tricky one -- allowing the scale to keep me on track, and to give me information is one thing.  I remember when staying the same just motivated me to work harder.  There were times when I obsessively weighed myself multiple times per day, and there are times like now where I avoid the scale like the plague, and am shocked when I go to the doctor.  Neither ends of that spectrum work for me...
  6. Eating a salad every day.
  7. Cutting off my eating at a certain time in the evening.
  8. Avoiding sugar and white flour when I can.
  9. Positive Self-Talk and Thinking; I CAN do this, I AM strong and healthy, I deserve to be happy, Looking at what I do right every day, keeping a gratitude journal, and setting SMALL goals rather than worry about how far I still want to go...
  10. Being aware of every opportunity to move more - as compared to feeling like I have to get a "Work-out".  For example; parking far away from my destination, cleaning A LOT, dancing in my living room, walking to stores and coffee shops when possible, walking the dog more, gardening, etc.
  11. Surrounding myself with healthy people.
  12. Asking people, very specifically, and ahead of time for what I need.

This really helped me, I'm happy to see that I have more of what works listed than what doesn't - and now for my game plan...  Happy Sunday!

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