Creativity Magazine

I Love You Today Because - Your Smile

Posted on the 04 February 2014 by Realityarts @realityarts
I Love you today because......You have a lovely smileYour smile is infectious, warm and caring, you bring the sun out and make people feel at ease.  Your smile is a giving one and despite what you might go through you always have a smile for someone else making them feel at ease.Self portrait image for the day:

I love you today because - Your Smile

I love you today because - you have a lovely smile - Pen and Ink

Show some loveThe next time you look in the mirror, take some time to really look at yourself and smile!Share some loveMake a point today to smile at the next person you meet, and brighten up their day!To find out why 'I love you today' February Series click on the image belowI love you today because - Your Smile

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