I’m a Maniac… a Logomaniac!

Posted on the 02 July 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Thanks to some words provided by lovely blogging friends, I had a calm little Monday night project.  Here are the poems I created with their words.  Please visit them and send some love their way– they’re awesome!

Oh and please don’t judge them for the poems, they are in no way to blame for my nonsense!


Bolded Words Provided by http://unfetteredbs.com/

Ghost Stories with Gramps

The bottle of whiskey
would pour itself.
Or so it would seem.

Sometimes it’d miss
and splash the desk–
a sticky stream.

The thunder matched the
gross, viscous wetness.
The humidity killed.

Grandpa’s stories brought
Hell right to us–
His stories thrilled.


Bolded Words Provided By http://bethannchiles.com/

Always My Little Brother

I re-live the wailing caterwaul
embrace the maniacal sound.
I remember the piercing sunshine
I can still taste the ground.

My memory is a shining memento
of a gregarious little brother.
And though the word “little” became a misnomer,
I’ll never use another.


Bolded Words Provided by http://bikecolleenbrown.wordpress.com/

The Lonely Ship’s Fate

The siren’s songs lit the evening sky–
part melody, part prayer–
a phantom guitar set the rhythm,
and wove a mighty snare.
It skimmed the depth of the ocean,
and navigated the misty air,
and eventually the ship fell softly–
asleep in the siren’s lair.


Bolded Words Provided by http://thesqueakywheelblog.com/

A Bitter Love*

He lights all my feckless fires,
fuels all my commonplace fears.

He is an anathema to me,
a calamity to last the years.

I fill him with apathy
and bore him straight to tears.

* If you subscribe by email, you may have received an entirely different version of this poem. Sorry, kids, I copy and paste like a maniac!


Bolded Words Provided by http://whoatethedaisies.wordpress.com/

The Bully

Her noxious dark steeps my light,
and banter turns to browbeating,
All the wherewithal to fight
is fading and depleting.


Bolded Words Provided by http://everydaygurus.com/

A Family Motto

Our hearts are in our taglines.

We face challenges with equanimity.
We frost success with egolessness.

Our erogenous zone is labeled “like”.

We transform emergency into epiphany.
We sway erroneous thought with words.

Together.  Alike.  An erudite family.

Living by our motto:
Please share.


Logomania is defined as an obsessive interest in words or, alternatively, excessive and often incoherent talking.