I'm a Sucker For The Underdog

Posted on the 29 October 2012 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

It's a great day out. Weather is perfect. Not a cloud in the sky. Had my daily B&J;'s lunch fix and life is good. I'm sitting on my back porch, chillin (with some really trippy music playing in the background I might add). "Radiohead's Record Collection" it's called. It's one of the subcategories of music on Songza. Lots of experimental noise so far, blips and beeps mixed in with drum loops. Reminds me of Aphex Twin. My neighbors probably think I'm a psycho. I'm sure they'll get over it. Today's been a good one. Woke up this morning and started watching Hot Rod on Comedy Central. Instantly fell in love with Isla Fisher.

I guess I'll admit, I've had girls tell me several times that I'm constantly falling in love. Not true. I just like girls who are original and have their own sense of self, who have that unique energy and who are comfortable in their own skin. There's a handful of actresses who in certain roles have that, so yeah, when i watch them in a movie and say "I loooooove them" but it's not like I fall that easily. For example, i love me some Natalie Portman in Garden State, Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation. Who doesn't? Take this girl in Hot Rod: she's hot, she's fun, and she leaves her prick boyfriend with the corvette for the quirky nerd stuntman. Come on, what guy (besides the prick in the corvette) doesn't love that? Now, real life has a whole lot more layers to it. There's girls who are almost drama free (rare), there's girls who seem to create drama everywhere they go, and then there's the girls who just so happen to have had a recent streak of drama and if you could juuuuust peel them away from it for a second you think you could charm them over and convince them to be a part of your stunt crew so they could cheer you on as you attempt to jump 15 buses with a motorcycle and they'd see how cool you really are. Is that too much to ask? That's why I fall for the movie girl way quicker than the real life one. Save the drama fo' yo' mama.

You're always in love RT “@cantuccfd: Watching @karibyron on Sons of Guns on Discovery. Hot chick shooting big guns. #ImInLove”

— Krissy (@KrissyHumphries) October 24, 2012


Another thing I fall in love with quick: cool videos and great music. I started following a couple of blogs recently and one in particular called "The Key Pieces" had this one particular post called "Drive Time Music". She wrote about how she's discovering new music while driving on her hour commute to work and posted 3 songs in particular w/video that have found their way into her brain's playlist recently. This is the one that caught my eye.
I guess I'm a sucker for underdogs getting the girl. Maybe this is why I like Weezer and why I was falling for Isla in Hot Rod earlier. I should have gone into music video directing. Escaping from the real world 5 minutes at a time. On that note it's time for me to make my escape one Guinness at a time. $2 draft at Icehouse tonight. It's calling my name.
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