I'm Clothin' It.

Posted on the 04 March 2012 by Threesixfive @MamaChaser


He is eating, dancing, walking and singing in this photo.

And, as you can clearly see, balancing on one leg.Roman is also wearing a Little Lamb cloth nappy. I chose these nappies after a bit of research into what we could afford, what Bryan would fit on Roman and also something I would find easy to change. And if you want to read more about the cloth nappy journey we've taken - press 'read more.'
When I was pregnant I spent a bit of time thinking about cloth nappies, but not really thinking it through. And besides we got many disposable nappy gift boxes and packets of nappies as gifts that these would have gone to waste and disposables became a habit for us.When Roman was 7 or 8 months we tried using terry toweling nappies because his skin was becoming very red and irritated. This meant folding nappies, pinning them and then putting rubber pants over the nappies. A bit of a hassle and a worry using the pins. So, again, I set to work finding out the different brands and styles of nappies. All-in-ones looked great but were expensive - effectively these are cloth nappies that are the closest thing you'll get to a disposable, but are washable ;). I bought one all-in-one to try out (it was also made from bamboo, which couldn't be put directly onto the radiator and took ages to dry!) but like I said, it was expensive. The cost of one all-in-one bought me one or two pre-folded nappies and a wrap.Little Lamb nappies looked good and had good reviews so I bought a couple of these, along with some smaller size Close Parent nappies - that he outgrew a long time ago. The Little Lamb nappies were a little pricey to buy brand new but I always bought when there was a sale on to save the pennies. I bought size 2 nappies, which are suitable for babies around the 20lb mark. I found that I could tighten up the nappies at the Velcro waistband when Roman was 18lbs and we didn't have any leakages. I didn't want to spend money on nappies he would outgrow at best within a few months and at worse a few weeks.Lately his nappies have been feeling on the smaller side. This resulted in me believing that he was outgrowing the nappies (picture below.)
Not only was the wrap (the outer layer) not covering the nappy (inner micro-fibre layer), the nappy wasn't even covering his cute little bum. So, out came the booster and it was a great fit (again, picture below to illustrate my point.)He seemed more comfortable and could move a lot easier like this, too. Considering it was a nappy worn during the day the booster isn't really needed at all.Cloth nappies have saved us a few pennies - and that's just by using them part time. These nappies are great quality, after 18 months or so of use they're in very good shape. I could sell them on or keep them for another child (or two!) and as we're still deciding whether or not to have another baby, I'll be holding onto these nappies even after Roman has learned to use a toilet full time.I'm thinking about donating them to a local Social Enterprise called 'Good Green Fun' in Stirling rather than sell them on, but we'll see what the next year or two bring in terms of adding to our family. They are definitely something I would use again and I would start to use them earlier on a second time around and perhaps more often than I've used them with Roman. At first the idea of changing a poo freaked me out, but it's not that bad. In fact I prefer to change a poo in a cloth nappy than I do a disposable. Bryan hasn't been so keen on them, though but I think that's because we weren't using them from day one.