Posted on the 28 April 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I hope you’ve read Hyperbole and a Half. If you haven’t, go there immediately. After reading this post, of course. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html

This week, I’ve been busy as the proverbial bee!

On the blogging front, there’s new pages, a new blog, my husband’s first children’s book, book review adventures and more.

On a personal front, we’ve made some serious progress in our personal lives.  We found a new place to live, and we’ll be there by the end of May, though that means a few days in a hotel between leases.  My best friend’s wedding is only two months away and I’ve been carving out some time to spend with her.  We also seem to have shaken off the sloth of winter– (Winter was 2 years long, right?)– and have started some exciting things.

Here are some more details on the bloggy-exciting-side of things that I’ve been working on:

You might have missed a great Rarasaur post.  Now you can find it!

Up at the top of my blog, you’ll see a new link called “FAVES“. This is where I plan to archive posts that I’d like people to see, even if they’re old. I used a bunch of mixed qualifiers– my personal favorites, posts with a lot of comments or likes, the Freshly Pressed posts, posts recommended by some of my readers, the guest posters who have honored this blog with their words, as well as those who have so graciously opened their blogs to me.  If you know of one of my posts that I should include, let me know!  I’d like to think that at least 10% of my posts are worth archiving… I ended up with a smidge over 7%.  I also have not figured out how to organize them, yet.

My favorite posts written by others are being collected.  Add yours!

I’m working on a super-secret parallel version of the same page including links to my favorite posts of YOURS. I’m trying to find a way to keep it from getting out of hand, but I plan to launch it soon, so I am starting with two simple rules:

  1. One post per blog.
  2. I had to really like the post.

If you know I loved a post of yours, or should have loved a post of yours, or if you want me to use a specific post of yours instead of the one that you know I’ll probably use, now is the time to drop me an email. I know it’s hard for some of you to blow your own horns, but just this once, for the purpose of helping me organize– really, truly– let me know.  rarasaurdinosaur@gmail.com

Now we can be book buddies!

I started giving out stars on Shelfari and Goodreads.  There’s no rhyme or reason to my patterns, and I’m working my way up to reviews.  On Shelfari, I spent more energy on uploading the right profile picture than on searching for books, but I’m going to work on that.  For now, if you want to friend me, please do.  Everything is better with friends.

  • http://www.shelfari.com/rarasaur
  • http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/15959909-rara

A New Blog!  TheQueenCreative.com

We’re rebuilding!  My husband and I have started a new blog for our company, Queen Creative. The blog has links to purchase Dave’s new books, as well as ways to donate to future projects– and we’ll definitely talk about that– but the blog will mostly feature:

  1. Creative inspirations and tips
  2. Marketing information
  3. Free, fun e-cards
  4. Planning and Organizational advice
  5. A bookshelf featuring the indie authors that we’ve run across in our travels
  6. Small business thoughts
  7. Lots of guest posts about these things. (Wanna guest post? Let me know.)

We’re only a few posts in, but I’d love to see you there:  TheQueenCreative.com And if we haven’t added your book to the shelf yet, it could just be in queue.  We have about 15 that we haven’t gotten around to yet.   Just in case, though, maybe send me an email? rarasaurdinosaur@gmail.com


I can’t believe this is just 600 some words.  I feel like getting this far was at least 3000 words.  Effort should be measured in words, I think– or perhaps stars, glasses of wine, or magnets.  Something measurable! How would you measure effort?  How has your week gone?  Do you have any thoughts to share on all of this?  Like I say, let me know, let me know.  Oh, and… in case the world didn’t tell you today… thanks for being completely fantastic.