For so long, since I was in university, I have struggled with my weight. I have never been huge, but I haven't been happy in my own skin for a long time. I have previously wrote about how proud I am of my body since having Henry. Which is true, I'm not ashamed of by stretch marks or my less than perky boobs. For these are all signs of motherhood and that is something I'm certainly not sorry for. However, my weight gain I can not blame on my children. Yes, of course, it comes with the territory of having children, but Henry is almost one and it's time I started looking after me.
So after thinking long and hard and contemplating just how I'm going to find "me" again, I decided to look at The Body Coach's 90 Day SSS Plan. I have been following him for years across social media, mesmerised by the transformations. Could I really have the body I have always dreamed of in 90 days? Sound's too good to be true doesn't it?
Joe Wicks, The Body Coach, describes himself as a 'man on a mission' to save yo-yo dieters from the 'awful' dieting industry and stop the unhealthy fad diets that we've all become accustomed to seeing. I have to admit, I think I would definitely class myself as a yo-yo dieter, but I was sick of being so unfit, not really understanding nutrition and what I should be eating. So, the plan is 90 days long and called the SSS - Shift, Shape and Sustain plan. It combines a strict meal plan and HIIT exercise (High Intensity Interval Training) to specifically target fat loss to help you get 'leaner' rather than just thin. The plan includes three cycles, 30 days in each all of which focus on different areas of your 'leaner' journey.
When my plan came through I was a little overwhelmed. The first cycle contained almost 100 pages, but once I started reading I soon realised what I needed to do. You choose meals and snacks from the different sections (carb refuel and reduced carbs) depending on whether or not you're on a training day or rest day. So on a training day, I chose two reduced carb meals and one carb refuel and then two snacks. On a rest day, its three reduced carb meals and two snacks. You should have 4-5 training days a week. It's pretty simple.
There is a good selection of meals to choose from, all of which you cook from scratch and with Joe's instructions are very simple to make. I have been enjoying cooking and been making extras to stock up in the freezer for my return to work next week, it can be a little tedious at times weighing out all the food, but once you get into the swing of things it becomes so simple. The food is all so filling too, no chance of going hungry on this 'diet'. Joe makes it very clear that you must eat everything and sometimes that in itself is a challenge!
So far, I'm in the early stages, on day 5 and really enjoying it. The HIIT workouts are bloody hard, I'm not going to lie but this is something I struggle with. Especially since I haven't done exercise in so long but I'm embracing it. Not only do I want to lose weight I'm desperate to feel fit again and would love to eventually build up the fitness level to complete at 10k. That's the goal.
So five day's in, have I noticed any differences? YES. Yesterday, I wore a pair of jeans that I bought for my Hen weekend two years ago and they fit! A few weeks ago when I tried I could barely get them over my hips. I'm so happy and can't wait to see where this journey will take me. I will be posting my journey on my Instagram page so please go and follow my over there if you want to read my updates.

Have you tried the 90 Day SSS Plan?
Mummy B xoxox