I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane… for My Trip to CHINA!

Posted on the 17 April 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Well here it is. My last post before I leave for my trip to China next week with Mandarin Journeys. 5 writers, 1 country, 1,000 emotions!

As parents we are told to put our child first. But this time, I’m not doing that.

I’m putting me first.

And you know what? It feels damn awesome.

It’s just for nine days but those nine days are all mine and I’ll admit it, I feel exhilarated at the thought. And although I’ve wrestled with some guilt about leaving, at this moment, right now, I don’t feel that. I feel like I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

I sometimes wonder if a man would feel these same range of emotions. I’m by no means male-bashing, it’s actually quite the opposite. I’m in awe of how some men can compartmentalize successfully. Like they understand the needs of work and balance them with the needs of family. And most times they can keep the emotions out of it.

But me, I’m not very good at that.

I know that my posts from China will show all of what I’m experiencing. The adventures, the camaraderie, but also the emotions of doing this completely on my own.

So my plan, if the internet world agrees with us over there as we’ve been told it will, is to post at the end of every day. There is a big old time difference between the US and China so you might actually be reading my stuff in the middle of the day. I’ll share pictures, experiences and of course, my emotions. But no worries, I’m sure most of them will be filled with sarcasm and cynicism, as usual. And remember, Flat Martini is joining the fun!

And hey, if you don’t hear back from me by next month, go look for me bathing in a pool of dumplings and wontons. I plan on eating my way through that country and bringing a huge ass muffin top home as my souvenir…

You can follow along on the trip here on the blog, and with even more fun pics and stuff on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. And remember to check out the hashtag #bucketlistChina to follow all five of us writers going. It’ll be really cool to read each of our perspectives on the trip.

Okay friends – here we go!!