Self Expression Magazine

I’m So Sensitive…….

Posted on the 31 October 2011 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hey guys!! I’ve missed you this last week. I saw my doctor last week with the results of my blood tests and I needed a few days to process my new diagnosis. I’ve been a little overwhelmed. I actually thought my brain might swell up and explode like a cartoon, leaving brain splattered all over my room but luckily this is REAL life! ;-)

I walked into the doctors office and he handed me a personalized Nutrition plan in a folder and I knew I was in for it…


So……. here’s the deal. I’m food sensitive. There are two types of reactions people have to foods. One is an allergic reaction, which is an immediate reaction (usually life threatening) to something eaten within a few minutes to 6 hours. Then there are sensitivity reactions, which is a milder reaction that will occur from 6 hours to 72 hours after ingesting the food.

The most common side effects of people with food sensitivities are…

(I have so many of these it isn’t funny and some of them for almost my entire life. I can’t believe my headaches I’ve had since first grade are probably a reaction to apricots or something)


According to my blood tests I’m off the charts food sensitive. A score higher than 650 is high and I’m 720, which says that my GI tract is extremely damaged.

A sensitivity reaction means that complex proteins being digested in the intestines are leaked out into the blood stream through damaged or weakened areas of the intestine lining.


It’s almost like celiac’s disease for those familiar to gluten free diets.

So why was this information so difficult to process…….. because I’m food sensitive to over 100 different foods.


According to the nutrition plan I was given I’m supposed to avoid everything on this list for 12 weeks. Which leaves me eating no form of carb, no dairy, and no dairy replacers. So needless to say I felt really defeated and confused for a few days.

The doctor said I needed to modify the plan so that I could get the most benefits while still still eating enough food. So I did a lot of reading and decided that I’m going to go dairy and gluten free. Then I will also avoid all high/moderate foods on the list, which include peanuts, potatoes, and yogurt!!!!!! Ahh, it’s all my favorites. I also need to not eat soy or rice products which leaves me with lots and lots of almond milk….


I’ll also be taking a series of medicines to help my intestines heal faster. They are coming sometime this week. I’ll be taking them for 6 weeks and the cocktail changes ever few days.

I’ll be following this new nutrition plan for 12 weeks, the first 6 I’ll be taking the medication to help speed everything up and get my symptoms under control. Hopefully I’ll be back to working out ASAP! Then I get to add 1 food back into my diet every 3-5 days. If I don’t have any type of reaction to it then it get’s to stay in my diet. It’s going to be a very long road. But I’ve felt really bad and I haven’t been able to do the things I want to do so in the end it will be so worth it.


After the 12 weeks are up, I take another blood test to see if my Intestinal Barrier Assessment has changed at all from the 720 I got this time. If I do the plan right it should go down.

Some of these foods I’ll have to avoid for the rest of my life, probably the dairy and some of the other moderate foods but my doctor believes that most of my low sensitivities are a result of my intestines being so inflamed. Which is really good news. I think I can do just about anything for a measly 12 weeks, if I had to…..

I’m happy to have some serious answers but I wasn’t expecting the answers I got. I figured my blood tests would be negative for celiac’s disease and I figured I’d be mildly allergic to something random but I wasn’t expecting this. It’s such a balancing act because I really really want results. I don’t know if my symptoms will get better by just eliminating the moderate and high things.

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