I’m Still Here

Posted on the 29 May 2012 by Aira @airamabs

I know what you’re thinking: I’m still alive and it’s about time I got out of my blogging funk!

First off, I’d like to give you a list of the things I’ve been into lately:

Diablo 3

I’m still here

This online game was released last May 15th and my life has never been the same. I’ve been eating and sleeping less. Heck, I’ve been neglecting my reading and writing. That alone should say something. I like the gameplay, it’s pretty fast-paced and has a pretty cool storyline as well. The only thing I don’t like about is that when you finish it the first time around (in normal mode), though the monsters get stronger as your level increases, it gets quite repetitive. I have no idea until when I’ll be playing this though. *cough* yeah right *cough*

Game of Thrones (Season 2)

I’m still here

Still watching this TV show! The story just gets better and better. I own all of the books in the series but I’ve been putting off reading book 2 because I don’t want to spoil the viewing experience ;)


Another show on HBO that I’m loving! They say it’s the new Sex and the City but I beg to differ. It has this hipster-ish vibe to it that I can’t even explain. You have to watch it for yourself!

Oh and if you’re wondering, I’m currently reading:

In Honor by Jessi Kirby