I’m Super Worldly.

Posted on the 09 March 2012 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hello bloggie friends!!

Before we get to the good stuff –and believe me there is some GOOD STUFF, I just want to say a big THANK YOU!! for being the best blog friends in the world and letting me be a total blog fake and not post for about 8.9 million days.

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So I’m still skimping in the breakfast category. It’s workin’ for me! It’s so werid. I’m eating less while being less hungry all day. NUTZO!!!

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Today I went with the coworkers to Mi Tierra, a local Mexican Taqueria. Today’s special was chile verde con tortillas (pork simmered in a green sauce with tortillas, rice and beans on the side).

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I made two little burritos with only pork and salsa saving my rice and beans for later…

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Oh!!! And I almost forgot we had to have chips and salsa while we were there.

My Dad has a major cookie addiction, he claims they are his brand of heroine. It cracks me up!!! So we made a detour on the way back to work by a bakery.

Obviously cookie addictions run in the family because I have absolutely no will power once inside the bakery. I ate a ginormously delicious macaroon.

Intuitive Eating Progress!!!

I’ve finally made it out of the plateau. Once I realized I didn’t need breakfast (most mornings) everything started falling into place and I’ve actually fallen into an eating routine.

I usually skip breakfast or have something really small if I’m hungry. Even a handful of granola will satisfy me all morning when I wake up hungry. Then I eat a pretty HUGE lunch. Depending on if I workout in the afternoon or have a pretty hectic day I eat a medium-big dinner and I’m set to go. My pants are fitting so much better, I think I’ve already lost some lbs. I’m not constantly thinking about food anymore and I’m only hungry right before meals. It’s awesome!!!

I had a crazy concoction for dinner tonight. I was on two continents.

I had a chopped Asian cabbage salad with sweets sesame dressing, chopped almonds and brown rice cracker strips. Then I had Manhattan style clam chowder… yep, crazy!

And after dinner I did one of the On Demand workout sessions. I chose Cardio Kickboxing and it was super hard. 41 minutes of non-stop jumping with squats, kicks, punching, and more jumping the entire time. I thought my legs might fall off during the hinge kicks. But it felt so good.

I’m still waiting for my gym cards to come in the mail so I don’t have any new gym news for y’all. I’m seriously counting the minutes ‘til tomorrow’s mail delivery. Hopefully they’ll come in time for me to make my intro appointment for Saturday. Please, Please, Please!!!

Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

Do you ever mix continents when eating???

Are you a gym goer and will you please give me the magic time that you can go without a stampede of people waiting for elliptical trainers???

What brand of deodorant do you use?
