Name: HayleyBlog: Sparkles & StretchmarksTwitter ID: @Sparkles_BlogHeight: 5ft 9Hair: Long blonde - possibly with dip-dyed pink ends, it depends if I change it before then or not!Eyes: BlueIs this your first blogging conference? Yes...and I am soooooo nervous!Are you attending both days? Yes!What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014?I'm most looking forward to finally meeting some of the lovely bloggers I've got to know since I started blogging who already feel like friends despite never having actually met them. I'm also looking forward to picking up as many tips to help me to improve my blog and my skills as possible, learning as much as I can, and mingling as much as possible.What are you wearing?This I'm not too sure of - possibly a summer maxi or possibly a blazer, top and leggings/jeggings depending on the weather. I will be making sure I wear flats though!What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014?I'm mostly hoping to prove to myself that I can do this - I can go to a big blogging conference where I've never met anybody before, I can mingle and make new friends, learn new things, improve my skills and develop my blog - all from just taking a deep breath and not letting my anxiety beat me! (Fingers crossed anyway!)I'm really looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible but I am very worried that my shyness can come off as stand-offishness so if you do see me please do say hello as I'd love to chat! :)With thanks to my lovely sponsors www.my1styears.com for making it possible for me to attend.If you enjoy my blog, please consider following me on Bloglovin' Have you checked out my Super Sparkler Advertiser Jewellery Designs By Claire??