I Make My Trip Down Memory Lane, Nostalgia Street

Posted on the 23 December 2012 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

December is a time for nostalgia and a trip down memory lane. We recall the high points during the rest of the year and revisit Decembers past. Last year, this time, we were feverishly checking out flights on Make My Trip as we looked at last minute flights to Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai. Although we do plan ahead, this time was a rush because of the unexpected passing away of my Aunt. Vidur and I made back to back trips to Chennai and Hyderabad while Sury headed off to Mumbai.

Right now we are looking forward to a little over two whole weeks winter vacation for Vidur, and I can feel the travel bug nudging me as I fondly remember this time last year.

Usually, we make an almost day-by-day plan for the vacation as it is easier to cram in all that we want while ensuring that holiday projects and schoolwork get done. Yesterday was the last day of school before they closed for two weeks’ winter vacation and I had a cozy evening with Vidur as we listed out all the recipes we want to try, places we want to visit locally and a day-by-day plan for his school work. I sneaked in my own items in the list – consisting of closet-cleaning, revamping, some minor painting, and a series of craft projects that will hopefully turn into gifts to give away. Luckily, I am not loaded with work for at least another week, thanks to everyone taking the Christmas to New Year off.

Memory lane – December 2010

In 2010, I made two trips to Delhi – one In November, for the Third National Bioethics Conference with colleagues – which was all about the conference and meeting up with friends…

Having a good laugh at the Delhi Airport

At the National Bioethics Conference

…and one in December with family on vacation when we visited Agra. What fun it was. Sightseeing around Delhi and oh, meeting the Taj Mahal for the first time. She completely took my breath away. I am really looking forward to going again, hopefully next year.

My first view of the Taj Mahal

I could gaze at her all day and all night long.

We traveled by IndiGo and were treated to the brand new look of the air hostesses who looked pretty hot. Ah, pretty and hot.

Pretty hot IndiGo Hostesses

I was stunned to see all of them sporting the exact same hairdo, and later came to know it was part of the uniform – if they didn’t like the hairdo, they were expected to wear a wig. Well, well. Thanks to forward planning we had rock bottom pricing on the flight tickets. On the way back, we traveled with Jet Airways.  And their hostesses weren’t half bad either.

Jet Airways Hostesses

Most of my official travel has been with this airline and I am always impressed at their efficiency. Never once had a complaint.

Nostalgia – December 2011

Vidur and I went on vacation alone for the first time – usually the three of us go together but Sury had a conference in Mumbai that he could not miss and urged us to go have a good time. So first, V and I went to Chennai for three days – and then to Hyderabad for three days. We had a fabulous time catching up with my classmates and close family friends.

Love them! Met them in Dec 2011 after April 1980

Oh, Gorgeous day!

It always breaks my heart to think back on December 2009, when my Mom was alive and undergoing bedrest to recover from spinal TB. We were thrilled to discover that her back bone, which was on the verge of breaking due to the TB was almost completely recovered from the three months’ bed rest and by the third week of December, we had a physiotherapist coming home every day to mobilize her back, teaching her strengthening exercises as we nursed her back to health. We simply took it for granted that Jan 2010 heralded the end of suffering and good health for her. Unfortunately, life had different plans for her.

Even as we were lulled into a sense of false comfort and making plans for the year and laughing and enjoying ourselves, little did we know that the silent killer in her chest, her lung fibrosis was gearing up to kick us in the teeth. On Feb 3, we had to rush her into hospital with a collapsed lung. It was the last time she and I hugged and spoke to each other. On Feb 8, her generous heart just stopped. She was 64 and in my opinion, too young to go.

Mom and Vidur at age 4 off to a picnic at the Planetarium

It always hurts when I make my trip down that  painful  memory lane. Sigh.

But there are also wonderful memories as I make my trip…

We met again after 23 years. We used to be inseparable back in the 80′s

And then, back to the present – a couple of weeks ago – I had another gorgeous surprise meeting!

We met again after 27 years – at a book launch! College mate – one year senior. I adore her

And so – life goes on, as we collect memories, good and sad. Still, I am grateful for all that I have – all the experiences that make up this beautiful jig-saw that is life.

I marvel at the memories, the things we take for granted. I learn from my experiences and try to focus on the good stuff. Only one life, right? Let’s live it well. No grudges, no hate, no negativity.

Treasure the moments!

Now, let’s head to the UnknownMami’s global party to see what treat she has in store for us.

Dear friends – what loving moment do you remember most vividly?