I Met a Demon

Posted on the 05 February 2013 by Petronela Ungureanu @unikornaa

"I met a demon" is the name of my new short story based on actual events. I have been planning to write it for a very long time, but, to be honest, I was afraid. Somehow I feared it might...influence me on some level. The story is based on a true event happened in 1976 to my boyfriend and, when he first shared it to me, about 12 years ago, I was profoundly disturbed for a very long time.
The main idea is that he witnessed the apparition of a very dark, unearhtly ...being and he recollects it with such vivid details and dreadful particularities that it really puts you in the position to make some drastic reconsiderations about...everything. Because his mental structure is a very healthy one, he managed to sanely survive the event and even more, to draw a positive conclusive, that I am very crazy about...That is ...if there are such things as demons, there are also angels. And that helped him move on and even more, it helped him evolve spiritually in a very unexpected way.
It took me a week to write it, trying to faithfully follow the real flow of events and I am now, looking for a publisher :). Wish me luck!