A guest post by Nishu Bhandula , a visualizer who I happened to meet at studios while editing a song sequence for an upcoming movie " Tere Pyaar Mein Paapad " I was peasantly surprised to discover that she loves to write poetry and here I take the pleasure to share her musings with you all

I miss you in my darkest hour , when I am alone and we are far... I miss you in my sweetest dream , without you its not fun to scream ... I miss you in my lonely nights,i want you beside me to hold me tight ...
One thing that i really miss........ Is the time when we Kissed
I miss you from the bottom of my heart.. love me , miss me you are my sweetheart... I want to spend evry moment of my life with you ,even if it would be dark i am alwes with you ....
Please hug me i need your love... There is nothing beautiful than this over and above... Hold my hand in the crowd,you are the 1 among millions I found....
Make my life a beautiful journey.. fill it with the most memorable moments of my life.. Be with me till the day i take last few breaths in your arms... I Love You from every little corner of my Heart..
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