I Need Help with My Style!!

Posted on the 06 September 2015 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Brave Love Blog
I am participating in Bailey's #BlogtemberChallenge. If you want to participate visit her blog here. Today's prompt is about my style. What fashion trends do you love, frequent, or avoid?
First of all I need to admit that I have NO fashion sense. ZERO. I don't like bright or neon colors. I am slowly coming around to increasing color in my wardrobe. I have tons of solid colors in various cuts - crew, V-neck, etc.
I have a pinterest board full of clothes that I wish I could wear. Right now my biggest challenge is I have no casual clothes. I have (or barely nothing) for just running around town. It's either yoga pants or dress pants. There is no in-between. I'm currently working on getting pieces that I can wear to work and on the weekends.
A Bit of Tweed - 44 Professional and Sophisticated Office Outfits You Will Love ...
I want this skirt so bad! I love the tweed fabric with pockets. It is so cute.
Preppy style
I love this outfit. I would wear this all the time. I love this sweater and vest. I could wear the sweater with everything. And of course pearls are always in style.
What is a staple item in your closet?