I Need Staff!

Posted on the 20 November 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Laundry done by my future housekeeper. Yes I’m dreaming. Image courtesy of tiverylucky at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I had a realisation today. What did I realize you ask? Well I thought since I have so many things I would like to be doing, projects and tasks it would be much easier if I had staff.  Yes staff to help me get all the things done that I never get around to, or would rather not be doing! More like hate doing, and put off doing!

What things would I outsource?

  • Laundry – Doing all laundry, washing it, hanging it on the line, folding it, and of course putting it away
  • Putting fresh sheets on all beds
  • Cleaning and tidying all rooms in the house
  • Cleaning floors and all surfaces
  • Vacuuming of the whole house
  • Dusting
  • Cleaning windows
  • Yard maintenance and tidying
  • Cooking meals (well if I get the housework done, why not get my meals cooked as well)
  • Clean my car and make it sparkle (this was a last minute addition. If I am getting all the other jobs, why not have the car done.)

So as you can see there some jobs on offer but there is one glaring catch. I don’t have money to pay you or the team that would come and help me!

I know that without paying someone these jobs would not get done. I am not getting paid and these jobs don’t get done (some do, but not all) Maybe if I was on a better salary or one to begin with things might be different?

So the realisation that I need staff or a team to help is probably not news to other busy people and mums out there.  Have you thought having staff or help would allow you to do more? It is a wonderful solution and if I had more money I would outsource more. It would free up so much more time. Stop arguments about why things have not been done and allow for a happier home. Well it would make me one happier mummy!

If you were cashed up what would you outsource?  Maybe I can have a plea to a house cleaning company and see if I can trial there services for a year? Well I can dream, can’t I? You never know. If I put it out in the universe it might happen. Or I can just fantasise about having it one day.

Send in your comments on how you would spend money you don’t have to make your house more organised.