I Need You All To Run AMOK
Posted on the 02 March 2012 by Eternalmusing
Hey everyone! An organization called Random Acts is running it's first official Annual Melee of Kindness (AMOK) campaign. Their goal is to have as many people as possible going around and doing random acts of kindness to other people. This years AMOK is on March 4, 2012! You can do anything you want to be nice to others; buy someone some coffee, help someone with their groceries, hand out flowers; be creative! {Leave someone a happy note on their car or pass out positive notes in a public place, to name a couple that I might be participating in.}
If you're interested in this event, here's the AMOK homepage, and here are the guidelines. I hope you choose to run AMOK with us! It'll be fun and you'll put a smile on some people's faces, I'm sure!