I Never Blog Anymore

Posted on the 09 January 2016 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hey guys,
 For months now, I've drifted. I've drifted on my blog, I've drifted on my YouTube channel, I've drifted from any writing. Now is the time I want to come back though and tie myself firmly down. Now is the time I want to begin to change.
I can't promise I will blog often. I will blog, when I want to blog. As for my YouTube, I'm going to try and stick firmly to my plan of one video a week. Each Friday, 4pm.
You can mostly find out what's been happening on there. If not, here is the short of it.
I broke up with my boyfriend.
I finished University.
I moved home.
I'm struggling.
I'm facing a mountain of darkness.
I'm getting help hopefully soon,
I'm watching Netflix constantly.
And I'm trying to be happier.
This is the general gist of it. So you can most likely understand why I haven't been up to writing. And I know that on my YouTube I seem happy, almost too happy?
If there's one thing you should know. It's this. People are often good at masking their real feelings, it's something we all do. Yet, if I can be happy by making these videos, then that's all I need.

These blog posts will sporadically appear now and then. And if you want to follow my blog hit that button. Otherwise their's my YouTube channel.
Here's to 2016.