I Rather Dance

Posted on the 17 July 2013 by Leah-Jlynn @Leah_Jamielynn

City in the Rain: by Nidhi Chanani

Every Day can be a blessing we just have to look for them. Sometimes it’s harder than usual. But,other times we notice them without any problems. For myself, I notice them especially if I’ve had a  great day. You, know those days, when  everything seems to go your way. It’s even better if someone is kind to you or you we receive a gift.

However, it’s just a little bit harder when it rains. Not only is it raining but, you forget your umbrella. Even ,if it’s not raining we all still get that soggy feeling. A feeling of an already not so  great day, seem to be getting worse.

But, some how  during that moment we need to make a choice. A choice  to accept the weather of our moods, days and minutes. So, we can regain control of our emotions. By, just dancing in the rain! Think of a happy song! Or, just  look around , there is something out around us that God wants us to notice.Even if it’s to let you know that you are  loved and  blessed. By that text message you received from your better half, kids and good friend.

Sometimes, it may not happen in that moment, perhaps later on in the day. The point is just keep looking. They are their, the fact you got up and didn’t give up is a huge blessings.

Good- Night. My, post is inspired by , Ann Voskamp book One Thousands Gifts.

If you’d like to see other post that may have inspired by her or many other Christian based folks. This is  where I try to post encouraging quotes, that I’ve found around the web. I also, post my Joy Dares  here at: Everyday Looking for Rainbows

Have a blessed evening everyone xx-oo :) I still love and respect you all regardless of beliefs and etc.