I See You.

Posted on the 08 October 2012 by Klnelms @klanelms
Let me be very real about something...

I feel like crap.& look like it too..Evidence?

Believe me now?The sad thing is, I actually went out in pubic like this twice today.  First off, I don't think God minds how horrific I look, so I went to church.Second, I went to a movie.  Hence, in a dark theater.  So the story is that I have a MAJOR problem with my eyeballs.  Last night I had a major allergy attack, and today it's been the same thing over & over.  So, no blogging for me.  Heck, let's be honest.  I can't see the screen well enough to even read blogs so my Google Reader is currently on overload.Dear God, please if you see fit for B and I to have a child, let it take after its daddy.  Pretty, pretty please.  Amen
I'll be back soon...hopefully.  p.s.- I have my text ENLARGED to just be able to see this.  #truestory