I Should Have Been a Porn Star…

Posted on the 17 November 2011 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

But I chose to take the high road, and I am not.

Unfortunately for you.

I work in a garden center and have the winters off…and I am therefore having a shortage of humorous or otherwise things to blog about.

I don’t do much funny on my own, well not that I am going to share.

I have been baking my ass off…well that actually might not be true, I have been baking and therefore eating, which probably isn’t doing my ass a bit of good.

Today I made Cinnamon Buns, from crescent rolls. Hot damn they were good. I have eaten six of them. They are small, but still.

I should have been a porn star…

Look for that recipe coming soon on Munchie Mondays, as well as many of the other delicious surprises I am downloading and trying on Pinterest. Thankfully I have two teenaged boys to eat most of my creations, I would be in huge amounts of trouble otherwise.

Speaking of Pinterest, I am on there far too much, but you can’t really blame me, you see I am trying to find amazing recipes to stun my family with, so that maybe they will come and visit me more than my brother once every two years. Or in my brothers case…ya, like NEVER since I moved here. It is unbelievably easier to go to Whitehorse from my parents, than to my house. Go figure huh? That is the nightmare of two ferry rides.

I swear to God, when my kids have graduated…and moved out, I am buying a motorhome, and I am parking that bitch on the back of my parents property and staying there. Forever.

It is going to be the only way they will come and see me. In fact, I could probably live there for a year before they even noticed me parked there, especially if I have a rig like this baby…you can’t even SEE it, right?

I should have been a porn star…

The other thing I have been doing is crocheting like a mad woman. I can’t really say what I have done so far, as it is top secret for Christmas, and I know my Mom reads my blog everyday and can’t keep a secret.

Ok, she is gonna kill me for that.

The other thing I have noticed, is that my old blog, seems to be coming close to the same hits per day as this one is. Now explain to me what  the hell that is all about?

So I have made a decision to post daily on there as well, but it will just be the start of the post to get you to come here. So ignore the notifications if you have already transferred over to the new site.

I guess I still need to keep both happening, there are days when I wonder if all the trouble of moving sites was worth it, I mean I totally LOVE the fact that it is all totally customizable, but I miss the community that seems to exist more on wordpress.com.

But bitches, you need to follow me here, I ain’t moving again now I am here. Remember the gypsy part of me is taking a break? It applies on all fronts.

As you notice, I have started Christmas decorating. I know it is only November 17…I know, but I really want to get into the spirit this year. I have a couple of lights up around the house too, nothing major, though. Every single year, I wait until the bitter end to decorate. I start slowly and put up one thing at a time, you know, so you can’t really tell. Basically I do this til I run out of random stuff to display, and then on the 15th at the very earliest I put up the tree. Never before that though. For having a birthday on Christmas day, I am a scrooge that way.

I take the damn tree down on boxing day too. Maybe this year, I will wait a little longer since my family will be here, and I know that the Wee Prince will love the lights.

I can’t wait to see him, I get daily updates and pictures from my brother, and he is growing so fast. He will be the perfect age to fall in love with me by the time he gets here. I am already gone with him, how do you love someone that you have never even met, or held or kissed that much I wonder?

I just know there is gonna be some smoochin’ going on when he gets here, it has been way too long since I had a baby to love :)

And I sure am hell ain’t getting any love from anywhere else…

I am not counting the cat. She is a whore, and is totally unfaithful most of the time.

Here’s hoping I find something awesome in the thrift stores on Thursday…it’s about time I did a really good DIY or some kind of home type blog, don’t you think?

For having so much time off, it’s amazing how much time I seem to be short of to get anything accomplished.

Maybe I need to step away from Pinterest for a minute…and baking.