It's official Ethan has discovered Mummy and boy does he love his Mummy. He seems to have passed the stage of sleeping pretty much all of the time and has now at five weeks become oh so alert. He seems to smile at me quite a lot and I often catch him watching me. He cries a lot if he's awake and I try and get up, even going to the toilet has become a challenge for me. As hard as it can be when I'm desperate to jump in the shower, grab some lunch or get the house cleaned up, it's actually incredibly sweet. I love that he is learning who Mum and Dad are and is finding such comfort in us. Here's a few pictures I snapped of my ever watchful baby..
Sorry about the quality of this one, it was very late at night and we only had a bed side light on. This was Ethan the other night, refusing to sleep and just starting at his Mama in bed {trying to sleep} through his crib bars.
My little angel last night - playing up for Daddy whilst Mummy was trying to sort some things out on the blog. So here he is on Daddy's shoulder spying on Mummy! He is funny..
Also I'd just like to say a big thank you all for the advice and suggestions on yesterdays blog post via my blog, twitter and Facebook regarding Ethans chest rash and constipation. Your comments really reassured me and helped me relax about the situation. It's a horrible feeling not knowing what's wrong with a newborn.
On Instagram : alexgladwin