I've Decided To Be Madam Simza. It's Happening, Don't Question It.

Posted on the 23 December 2011 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
I want to be this chick.  SO.  BADLY.
She is Madam Simza, from the new Sherlock Holmes movie.
Which was truly awesome, by the way.  Fantastic.
But THIS chick was a total badass.  Her outfits were gorgeous and hot and functional all at the same time, she was quick-witted and strong, and her fighting skills were crazy good.  Also, she sits and drinks like a man, without losing the feminine mystique.  And she's a gypsy.  And a tarot reader.
I've decided to be her...so I need to get me some long, heavy skirts, some coin-y jewelry, and some badass belts.  And some fighting skills.  And maybe a perm.
More pictures (I'm so excited about this):

So.  Fucking.  Cool.
Go see that movie.
I'm done now.