I've Hit a Road Block

Posted on the 19 May 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen
and am a bad lil heathen. Why? Because of this

via Lost Heros

I've seen this posted several times and finally had time to really dig into it. This is where my road block came. I don't believe in Elves or Dwarves. Yes, spank me now.... I am a bad heathen. I just can't bring myself to believe in these things. I know this is horrible and important to my path. If I can not believe, I can not be Tru. I would only be a "poser" Heathen, no?
So I'm at my wits end and need some guidance. Convincing that these Elves and Dwarves exist. Any information you can share with me would be great appreciated, otherwise, I fear I can not be Tru to myself nor Asatru and my path will come again.....to change.