i WANT to Be.........

Posted on the 27 September 2012 by Madhavi @madhavisrao

I want to be YOUR house, to welcome you
I want to be YOUR bike, to make your ride as you fly
I want to be YOUR puppy, to express the loyalty 
I want to be YOUR dress, to embrace you all the time 
I want to be YOUR living room, to entertain you
I want to be YOUR bedroom, to make you relaxed
I want to be YOUR bed, to make you rest 
I want to be YOUR your blanket, to make you feel warm
I want to be YOUR your sleep, to make you dream
I want to be YOUR dream, to become your thoughts
I want to be YOUR thoughts, to reach your inner mind
I want to be YOUR inner mind,  to get your love
I want to be YOUR love, to BECOME YOUR SOUL
And not to become your soul mate, because, soul 'mate' is also separable and I WANT to be INSEPARABLE from YOU.....

~~~~~~~~~~ Dedicated to True Loving Souls ~~~~~~~~~~~~