I Was Always Good at {tag} Because I Was a Fast Runner.

Posted on the 09 February 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
The super cute Erin at Erin B. Inspired tagged me in a meme this week {last month because I'm not as fast as I thought}. Since we have a short work week and I'm not going out of town for the holiday I'm technically unemployed this week, I actually have time to play along!

Here's the rules.
  1. You must post these rules.
  2. Each per­son must post 11 things about them­selves on their blog.
  3. Answer the ques­tions the tag­ger set for you in their post and cre­ate 11 new ques­tions for the peo­ple you tag to answer.
  4. You have to choose 11 peo­ple to tag and link them on the post. Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
  5. No tag backs and you legit­i­mately have to tag 11 people.
11 Facts About Myself
  1. I was always the kid in my family who did not like to get my hands dirty. The Boyfriend's mom complained to him that I was "a little too girly" once... I am pretty sure I was just born this way and have never once found it to be a flaw.
  2. The only examples I have in my life of how to be a classy, Godly woman were not around when I was little (except my grandmas, but we moved when I was 10).  I had to just wing it until I was 22 and decided to just latch onto OTHER people's moms at church. It worked. I have been working on my gift of hospitality ever since.
  3. On a similar note, I learned to cook from the Food Network. I watched it DAILY in college and finally started applying things in law school. Now I wouldn't bake a cake from a box if someone dared me.
  4. I have a really bizarre fascination with the mail. I love getting the mail. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a mailwoman when I grew up (and a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, and a teacher, all simultaneously).
  5. When I was in 4th grade I was in a school wide spelling bee. The school was K-8. I was in 5th place and two spots away from getting the trophy. I choked. The word was does. I said D-O-S-and then heard the crowd sigh. I finished the word incorrectly, and then sobbed my little 8 year old heart out outside of the gym while my mom and teacher consoled me. 
  6. I cover my ears and hum any time a scary movie preview comes on TV. I'm a total chicken!
  7. I can't pee if anyone can hear me. This got awkward on Thanksgiving when my boyfriend told his family and I spent the weekend sneaking away so they didn't stand outside the bathroom door and tease me. Don't even get me started on that other thing people do in the bathroom. The house has to be empty.
  8. I have an illness that makes me love school. It is a mystery, undiagnosed illness, but I'm pretty sure there has to be something there to make me want more than the two degrees I already have.
  9. I hated wine before law school. All the events were free wine and beer, but I hated beer even more than wine. Now I love white wine. I still haven't obtained a taste for red, and still hate beer, but a good ol' glass of white? love.
  10. I hate packing. I am a terrible procrastinator at it because it's scary and hard and emotional and I do it all the time. The longest I've ever lived somewhere since 1995 was for two years in my fav law school apartment. Somehow, doing it all the time has not made it any easier.
  11. I subscribe to a few magazines. I swear I've cancelled Self more than once, but it keeps coming. I also just subscribed to Elle because it was $5 on amazon and too pretty to resist. The problem is I don't read them. So my "magazine crate" is full to the brim with those two, six months of a free Martha Stewart subscription, my two alumni magazines, along with the state and American bar association magazine - most of which still in the plastic.
Onto Erin's Questions: {which require a lot less creativity on my part :)}
  1. Where is one place (city, state, or country) that you are dying to visit? I would absolutely LOVE to go to Spain.
  2. What is your bed time? It has suddenly become 9:30. I don't know why, but that's the time I do that best at the next morning.
  3. What is one resolution or goal you have for 2012? To continue writing and to edit my NaNoWriMo novel.
  4. What would be your last supper? Steak, mashed potatoes, and a yummy salad with no gross toppings like cheese or eggs or tomatoes. 
  5. If you could eat a meal with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? I'd say Jesus, but that's so cliched. So is Princess Diana. So, how about Emily Dickinson.
  6. What is your favorite animal? Elephants. Don't ask me why, I just love them. And they are so smart! Second place is Owls, also because they are smart. I basically want anything with elephants or owls on it.
  7. What is your dream job? A writer.
  8. Who is your hero? ...I'm not sure I really have one since I wasn't able to answer this when I first started it either.
  9. When you need a snack, do you reach for sweet or salty? (Bonus points if you list your favorite snack.) It is almost always salty. I could finish off a bag of ruffles and ranch dip like no one you've ever seen.
  10. Does your style have a signature? (For example, I'm known for bold colors and loud prints.) Apparently it is pink and preppy according to my secretary when she gave me my Christmas gift :). That's probably pretty accurate.
  11. What is your favorite book? The entire Harry Potter series. It has touched my life a million times more than any other book. A second choice is The Hole in Our Gospel
Questions to Answer:
  1. If you could only read three books for the rest of your life, what would they be? 
  2. What did you always want to be when you grew up?
  3. Where is your most favorite place you've ever lived?
  4. Do you volunteer? If so, where? If not, where would you if you had the time?
  5. If you could cameo on one television show, what would it be?
  6. Were you ever a groupie? For what band?
  7. Have you kept the resolutions you made on January 1?
  8. How do you keep track of your busy schedule?
  9. How much time do you spend getting ready every day?
  10. What is your favorite clothing store?
  11. What is one thing you hope to accomplish by your next milestone birthday (30? 35? 40?)?
I'm tagging... {people that I doubt have time for this, but would be fun to read. and less than 11. sometimes I'm just a rule breaker.}
Amanda, K at Law, L-Fab, Summery Judgment, Jenna Renee, L-Chocolat, Carissa, Anna, Mrs. S,