I Was Speedy Gonzales

Posted on the 10 August 2011 by Marensmorsels @marentweets


I went fast! Like Speedy Gonzales – — — —–FAST!

I ran 4.21 miles. The first 2.5 I did by myself (fast) then I did the last 1.7 with Dorothy at a slower pace. Here are my miles.

  • mile 1: 9:48
  • mile 2: 9:41
  • mile 3: 11:53
  • mile 4: 13:23

In mile 3 I ran the first half at a 9:41 pace and the second half at 13:23 which made the pace that weird 11:53. I’m super proud! Last week I was running in the 10:50’s so I’ve shaved a whole minute off my mile time. SCORE! I know I could have made that 2.5miles 3 had I not left too late and had another 5 minutes before meeting Dorothy. Next time I’ll have to leave earlier.


I also burned a whopping 500+ calories. Holy Buckets!


For dinner I didn’t feel like cooking, my workout left me pretty wiped so we went to the local South Salinas Diner, Elis.

I ordered the mini Cobb Salad and a side of Firecracker Fries.

Before my food came I had a bite of cornbread.

I think my salad was ~500 calories and I allotted 500 calories for the fries. I ended up not eating too many of them but I ate all the delicious garlic bread of death from my salad. So I’m sure I used them up!

So glad I did my hard run this afternoon…