Diaries Magazine

I Wish I Was Unemployed…

Posted on the 27 August 2013 by Tash Berbank @tdotberbank

I’m joking, but it got your attention, right?

Yesterday, me and my boyfriend celebrated two years of being together. Although we weren’t together. He is currently monkey-sitting (yes, he is baby sitting real life marmoset monkeys) in Liverpool and I am working in London. That means we’re about 220 miles apart.

Until last week I was supposed to be monkey-sitting with him, and then I got  this internship. Now don’t get me wrong, I am SO lucky to have this internship, and I’m really enjoying it and totally appreciate this opportunity, but it’s really hard to  have to sacrifice celebrations and simply seeing your loved ones because of work.

It’s weird because it felt like I went  from nought to  sixty within a matter of moments. One minute I hadn’t even been asked to a single interview, I had plans and budgets and time, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, I had a full time job. I’d applied for a job on Monday and by the  next week I’d started work there. When you’ve got used to the idea that you’ll be out of work for up to a year, it’s hard to change your mindset so quickly to keep up.

Before  I went to uni, I had my a level results, I was told I’d been offered a place a place at my chosen uni, I bought stuff like duvets to get ready to move away, and I said goodbye to my friends and family. In getting this internship, I feel like I haven’t had the time to say goodbye to my boyfriend. Obviously I will still see him, but the difference between seeing him all day every day to a couple of hours before bed is a huge change.

Like I say, I am  really glad to have this internship. I really am. But the shift between complete  unemployment to full time work, is somewhat uncomfortable.

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