This group are called Pupil, Angel, Pain, I’m Too Old For This Shit, Siren, It Scares Me When You Go Quiet, Virgin: 2, Alice, I’m Being Very Grown-Up, and Miss Artist.
The text in Virgin: 2 (the title of this post) is from Closer by Tegan and Sara. The ‘tears’ in Pupil and I’m Being Very Grown-Up are made out of rhinestones that I glued on individually. A little tip to anyone considering doing that – to allow good time, put aside at least the rest of your natural life. Yeah.
It’s still all about sex, let’s be honest, but it’s becoming more like therapy than anything else. Some of the words are ‘mine’, and some of them are ‘his’. I set out to explore role-play, but now I just want to purge myself of thoughts/memories that I believe will harm me in some way if I leave them to digest, or fester (emotional bulimia is the driving-force behind everything I do, apparently *sigh*). I was worried that if I stopped making them I might fall into a pitiful heap on the floor next to a bottle of vodka, start crying uncontrollably, and maybe never get up. At least… not for a couple of days. Or until I needed to pee. But instead I am sunbathing, smoking in my garden, trying to eat healthily, and making sure I’m never too far away from my acid-free glue stick. I’m also trying to keep up with the whole shaven-legs thingy, just for the sake of my own self-esteem. That’s probably a good idea, no? I would hate to have to do another major-deforestation. That would make me feel less-than-special.
Also, gorgeous Bianca from Lo-Lee-Ta inspired me to set up a page for my artwork, which you can find by clicking the new picture in my sidebar. From now on, whenever I post new collages or drawings, they’ll be added to my artwork page afterwards, so if you want to view a specific piece, or browse, you can just go there rather than look for it in my archive.