It personally reminds me of a mixture of Rollerblading (which I also adored as a kid), Skiing and Ballet, which are hobbies I took up in my youth. The thought of being able to leap into the air and do a a graceful spin and end it with a perfect landing would feel amazing to me. Not only that, but I find iceskating such a beautiful sport, the technicality of the footwork and the gracefulness of the spins and leaps just astounds me! I always look forward to the likes of Dancing On Ice to watch it. If there was a place near where I live I'd go there every week without fail! Someone please make an ice rink next to my house! ;)
I always find iceskating something different to do whether you go with your friends or your partner or your family. It's always a different experience which I like. I enjoy trying new things rather than sticking to the same mundane, repetitive activities you can sometimes fall into. This time of year I find is the worst for that when it's too cold and the thought of leaving my bed is a battle in itself or trying to save the funds after the Christmas splurge, it can always seem like a drag so doing things like going out and iceskating is always appealing to me and going with friends is always a good laugh in my opinion. I hope to go iceskating so much more this year :)
Thanks for reading! :)