If the Shoe Fits...

Posted on the 25 June 2013 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27

Finally victory is mine!

Ha ha. One shoe means you've not won yet.

Boy Three's new shoes - See, I'm trying to fit them like a glove 

Question: What have hairdressers, undertakers and kids' shoe shops got in common?

Answer: they make feel guilty if you even think that there might be a cheaper way.

There's the notion that we might do irreparable damage to our children if we don't buy ruinously expensive shoes fitted by an expert. Irreparable damage to our wallets, more like.
I'm not arguing with the logic that footwear must fit properly, just that there's only one way of achieving this.
So I was very pleased when Verbaudet asked us to look at their fitting advice and their size chart.

They say to print out the foot plan. Of course I tried to circumvent this by getting Boy Three to put his foot on the chart... On the iPad. You're there already, aren't you? This will not work on a touch screen.

I picked this cute and comfy pair of gray and yellow sandals and, eventually, this most contrary of children deigned to wear his new shoes.

"I'll keep them on if you buy me a present."

Nice try son and nice shoes.

Vertbaudet's resident podiatrist Philippe Pelligand offers the following tips for picking shoes that fit: 
  • Opt for shoes that have a wide front to allow your child's toes to move freely.
  • It is essential that shoes fit properly to avoid sores and blisters. 
  • Always remember that the shoe must fit the foot of the child and not vice versa. 
  • Heel support with additional side reinforcements is recommended to ensure the heel is supported and snug. 
  • Opt for shoes with a leather lining and insole as this is also better breathing. 
  • Rubber soles are best to avoid the risk of slipping. 
  • Regularly check your child's growth - you will be surprised how quickly their feet grow. 

Vertbaudet sent us a pair of shoes after we tried their fitting guide.