So I invite you to move in with me.
If you really knew me you'd know...
- I am terrified of confrontation, whether it's you didn't do your dishes or you're not my friend anymore either confrontation brings me HUGE anxiety.
- I have to clean the house from roof to basement on Sunday nights. I actually do not recall my mom enforcing this as a rule or anything that would embed this into me. However, I cannot fall asleep if my house isn't clean on Sunday night. Something about starting your week with a clean house is fantastic!
- I have a really hard time putting my clothes away. I change my outfit 9 times in the morning, at least 1 more time after work and 1 more before bed and all those clothes go straight on the floor.
- I listen to Howard Stern every morning/ afternoon/ evening. I love crude humor and cuss words.
- You should know that I am a night owl.
- I always tell people that I'm a horrible cook. The truth is that I really am not that terrible, I've even put together some delicious entree's in my day. I just HATE cooking. I don't even like it a smidgen.
- My favorite type of food is probably cake. I love eating cake for breakfast, red velvet this morning.
- I really like to challenge myself. Whether it's a new task at work, remodeling a room on a budget or just learning something new. I enjoy the challenge.
- I used to think I was a reader. I do enjoy buying books by the bundle, but I don't really love to read them. I just like to have a brand new books on my nightstand. Staying classy.
- Kind of along with the books, I have a paper addiction. I love going to office supply stores and buying paper and paper products. Seriously, new notebooks and journals are my favorite. I don't like to write in them, I like them to remain blank, new and fresh.
- I hate wearing my hair down.
- My favorite nap time is when I am in the shower. I curl right up and go to bed. I only indulge in this goodness occasionally, but it's the greatest.
What don't I know about you?!