
Iliganon's|Beef Rendang

Posted on the 05 November 2011 by Singcolinquisitor @lexuzinquisitor
Iliganon's|Beef Rendang
I first tasted this spicy stew during my Political Science days with my friend Mai-Mai. I often visits their home, before they decided to move to General Santos City. I felt sad about that though! She has a very good talent in cooking with this recipe. One day I might consider visiting her at their place in Gensan. Missing the old days :(
Well speaking of stew, its a way of cooking which combines solid food ingredients that have been cooked in a water or other water-based liquids, and that are served without draining or removing the liquid. Beef Rendang is an all-time favorite food with the people in a cooler weather temperature, but to trace its origin its a Southeast Asian cuisine. 
Beef rendang  is rich, spicy and flavorful. I knew its spicy, but I go with it because I miss the taste of it.
Being satisfied with the durian shake that Iliganon Resto Bar offering which I tried and like in my last visit, I tried their "beef rendang" last night. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, I don't just eat any kind of food because of my tummy problem. But this recipe really worth a taste and the risk^^
Iliganon's|Beef Rendang
If ever you happen to visit Iliganon Resto Bar over at Pala-o, don't hesitate to try their beef rendang. I am sure you will really love it.
Please be forewarned that its really spicy, it is a no no for those who do not like spicy food.

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